2016年10月26日 星期三

♥ ♥.......Good Morning Beautiful ♥

Good morning beautiful 早安,親愛的

by Steve Holy 史蒂夫霍利

Good morning beautiful 早安,親愛的

How was your night 昨晚睡得好嗎?

Mine was wonderful 我整晚好夢入眠
With you by my side 因為有妳在我身邊
And when I open my eyes 而當我睜開雙眼
And see your sweet face 看見妳那甜美的容顏
It's a good morning beautiful day 這是如此美好的早晨阿
I couldn't see the light 看不見光芒
I didn't know day from night 亦不知日夜的差別
I had no reason to care 沒有任何令我在乎的理由
But since you came along 但當妳走進我的生命
I can face the dawn 我開始迎接黎明
Cause I know you'll be there 因為我知道妳就在那裡
Good morning beautiful 早安,親愛的
How was your night 昨晚睡得好嗎?
Mine was wonderful 我整晚好夢入眠
With you by my side 因為有妳在我身邊
And when I open my eyes 而當我睜開雙眼
And see your sweet face 看見妳那甜美的容顏
It's a good morning beautiful day 這是如此美好的早晨阿
I'll never worry 我將不再擔憂
If it's raining outside 即使外面下起傾盆大雨
Cause in here with you girl 因為我就在這陪伴著妳,親愛的女孩
The sun always shines 陽光永遠普照我的心
Good morning beautiful 早安,親愛的
How was your night 昨晚睡得好嗎?
Mine was wonderful 我整晚好夢入眠
With you by my side 因為有妳在我身邊
And when I open my eyes 而當我睜開雙眼
And see your sweet face 看見妳那甜美的容顏
It's a good morning beautiful day, yeah 這是如此美好的早晨阿
A good morning beautiful...day 如此美好的早晨,美好的一天

